Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Movies - #? "A Good Year"

"A Beautiful Mind", "A Good Year". Russell Crowe can make some seriously weird movies. He's a natural at "weird". In this one he plays a rather egotistical loon that is fine cheating his way into the big money.

And here is a story where man meets his self-centered objectives in light of a "happier time". It is a nice story.

But this story, like a "Christmas Carol" (another of my favorites) wouldn't be interesting at all if the key character had been POOR. Have you ever considered that? What would Ebeneezer have been without his money? What would he have had to give? What difference would his change had made? Maybe he would have been a nicer person, but the story would not be nearly as entertaining.

I'd say the best part of this story was the photography and the setting. I loved the excellent & interesting photography. I want to watch again just for that reason. The story was simple, but had some nice ideas that I don't want to give away. However, for my own memory, I'll mention a "letter found", a "letter acknowledge" and the writer thereof. It was a touching part of the story that might well have been overlooked because the magic of this movie was the hidden acts of grace in a very human (imperfect) world.

I would SO recommend this movie to anyone that is caught up in the race of life. Sometimes we are like the rat on the wheel forgetting to enjoy all the good that is around us.

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