Saturday, November 14, 2009

Goals - Display Rack

Money is tight and I have to drive myself to stay motivated. It is not like I have money in the bank account that dictates that I make good use of extra funds.

So, I have been "green". I have recycled just about everything in an effort to waste nothing. I've had two projects I needed to complete. One was a large rack card display rack in the lobby of the motel. I made use of about 17 inches of dead space in the wall. I cut into it to give guests of the motel ample information about the area. First, I'm happy when guests are happy. If they are bored, I just feel bad. Second, if they find enough to do, they stay longer or come back more often. It is my job to inspire them to get the biggest bang for their buck.

So, I had some lights left over from a project several years ago and a ton of scrap wood. I had some left over electrical stuff and the time to work on it. So, I determined to get the job done. It took all my "other time" (not doing regular motel work or civic stuff) for about two weeks. While is is NOT professional, it is VERY cool. It most likely took less than $90 in paint and extra supplies and it is USEFUL... and looks fairly good even if I say so myself. So... here's the home video.

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